General FAQs

What does RealValidito do?

We provide real-time data validation tools (Phone LookupDNC LookupGender LookupZIP Code Lookup) to help businesses ensure that every contact record in every database is genuine, accurate, and up-to-date.
Our tools are available through APIs and batch processing.

Click here for the Number Validator Tool

Which countries do your validation services cover?

Our validation services cover the United States and Canada.

Are there any differences in the data source(s) between the free trial and paid accounts?

We want you to see the full power of our services and be able to test them completely for your needs. With that said, there are limitations on the number of transactions (1,000 lookups) you can test with the free trial accounts.

How often do you update your databases?

Our database updates are synchronized with 100 authoritative data sources.
This means we are continually updating our data sets, ensuring you have access to the most accurate data available.

Which availability do you guarantee for the RealValidito services?

Our RealValidito APIs are hosted on the cloud. We guarantee the availability of 99.9%.

Do you store my data on your servers?

No. And we take this very seriously.
RealValidito does not store web service data that travels through our network. Your data is never written to persistent memory, such as a disk file, database, or log file.
We record the date a transaction occurs in our system. We do not record the contents of the request or the response. We do store any error responses that may have occurred.

Does RealValidito save my query?

We do not store any information from the query beyond the time it takes to perform the lookup.
We do create a transaction count for tracking and accounting purposes for each query.

What is a transaction?

A transaction occurs every time a request is made to our servers. However, empty strings and null requests are not considered transactions.

Where can I check my transaction usage?

You can see your transactions on our Usage Reports page.

Is my data secure?

RealValidito’s commitment to security is of the highest level. We use the highest level of encryption and the latest security tools to ensure that our customers’s data is secure.
Network Security
No copies of your real-time data or your responses are stored.
Sensitive data, like customer information, is encrypted.
All connections can use SSL with a minimum of 128-bit symmetric encryption and a 1024-bit authenticated key agreement.
A pair of contemporary firewalls running the most recent firmware provide multi-layer perimeter security.
Continuous layer-3 monitoring of firewalls and load balancers provides real-time proactive security information.
Servers have been penetration tested.
Redundant switches, firewalls, load balancers, servers, and backup systems ensure high availability.

Will RealValidito.com store my personal details?

We don’t gather any primary details other than the email ID, which is submitted at the time of registration, from the user.

Does RealValidito.com share my details?

We (RealValidito.com) do not share any information with anyone or any third-party companies.

Will RealValidito.com store my IP address?

YES. We may store the user’s computer’s IP address to figure out system exploitation.

Do you need to allow my IP?

No. You can access our service from any IP address.

Do you use cookies?

No. At RealValidito.com, we don’t use cookies. However, we do use a third-party tracking system, which may use cookies for the purpose of identification. When system usage or abuse needs to be figured out, third-party tracking systems may use cookies.

Can I delete any information that I submitted at the time of registration?

No. As per our privacy policy, we neither allow any modification of data nor deletion. However, we can assure you that whatever information a user provides to our website is completely secure and protected.

Do you charge for support?

Customer service Excellence is one of our core values. We provide 24×7 customer support with each of our services.
If you need immediate assistance, contact us or open up a ticket on your RealValidito account.

Do I need technical skills to use RealValidito? Do you provide any help to implement the API?

No. Bulk validation is as easy as 1, 2, and 3: Upload your CSV, validate it, and download it.
If you need real-time validation using our API, contact us to help with the technical setup.

How can I contact you?

We provide 24×7 email support for all customers. There is a quick response time guarantee; a support representative will usually return a response within 1 business hour.
Feel free to reach us at support@realvalidito.com

I found a bug. What am I supposed to do?

We very much appreciate your help. Please send us an email at support@realvalidito.com, and we will try to fix this bug as soon as possible.

Can I subscribe to the services of RealValidito.com?

Of course. You can certainly subscribe to the services of RealValidito.com. You will have to register with the website using Sign Up. Once you are a registered user, you will enter the world of privileged customers. Registered users have the privilege to use all services that may not be available to regular users.

How can I buy more credits?

You can buy lookup credits with a one-time payment from your RealValidito account. If you want to process a large CSV file or if you prefer to use your credits on an irregular basis, you can charge your account with the required amount of credit at any time. Credits bought with a one-time payment can be used at any time, but they can’t be changed or cancelled.
Lookup credits, once purchased, never expire. We do not charge credits for lookups that fail to return a definite response.

How can I make the payment?

All orders must be prepaid. At RealValidito.com, we are bound to simplify your life. We have integrated with PayPal Services so that you don’t have to make many efforts to pay for the services. You have the option to select the lookup package(s). You can decide which package(s) are feasible.

Do you accept Bitcoin (BTC)?

Yes, we accept payments in cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Tether. You can purchase more lockup credits using cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, Tether, and so on.

What is your refund policy? Refunds and Credit Expiry

Due to the nature of RealValidito services, we DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS.

RealValidito does not issue refunds under any circumstances. All sales are final.
Credits may have an expiration date associated with their purchase. You acknowledge and agree that expired credits are forfeited, and no extension or refund will be issued for expired credits.
This is a service, and you cannot return unused service. No refunds will be issued for any legitimate, intentionally purchased service.

Delivery of Goods

You acknowledge that purchased goods are considered delivered as soon as the purchased credits become available in your account.

What is an API?

API, which stands for Application Programming Interface, is a software intermediary that enables two applications to speak to each other.
At RealValidito, all of our validation services are built as APIs and return data in JSON format.

What are API keys and API secrets?

The application programming interface is known as an API. Using computer programs, a code is transferred to distinguish the calling program on another computer. Furthermore, API keys and API secrets are used to track and manage API activity. For instance, to avert nasty system use and/or exploitation of the API.

How are API keys and API secrets used?

API keys and API secrets generally serve dual purposes. They work as an exclusive identifier as well as a hidden token for verification. APIs can be established on the UUID system to ensure they are exclusive to one another.

Will your API work with my form?

The API interface will work with most types of web forms, such as Java,.NET, PHP, and others.

I need to validate hundreds of records per second. Can you help me?

You bet!
We are already accommodating a number of clients at this level. You can query up to 1,000 data points at once. For details, please take a look at our API documents.

What output formats do you support?

All of our products support outputs in JSON formats.

What is the average API response time?

API requests will typically be answered within 500 ms.

What file type can I submit for Bulk Validation (Batch Processing)?

We require your file to be CSV. If your data is in an Excel spreadsheet, simply save it as a CSV file, and you’re good!

Does it matter if my CSV file has a header row or not?

It does not matter, but all of our results include a header row that identifies the data points in each column. Some customers want the rows in their source file to sync up perfectly with the result file rows, so if this is you, you should have a header row in your source file.

Is it OK if my CSV file has some blank rows in it?

Yes. If your file includes blank rows, they will be processed, and we will continue processing until the end of your file. Blank rows are not charged as lookups.

How long does it take to process my CSV file?

Actual process time varies based on your file size. Smaller files (under 10K records) are typically validated within 5 to 10 minutes.

What if I have additional questions about RealValidito Lookup Services?

Please contact our support team.

Phone Lookup FAQs

Which countries does your phone validation service cover?

Our phone validation service covers the United States and Canada.

Does your phone validation service work for mobile numbers and landline or fixed line numbers?

Yes, phone validation supports any type of number: mobilelandline/fixed lineVoIP, etc.

What is RealValidito Phone Lookup (Number Type and Carrier Lookup) Service?

  • RealValidito Phone Lookup works with USA and Canadian based phone numbers only. Our Phone Lookup is the industry’s most accurate phone validation service because our database is daily updated.
  • Our service validates phone numbers to determine Carrier detailsNumber Type or Carrier Type (Landline, Cell Phone/Mobile, VoIP, toll-free, etc.), Valid or InvalidActive or Inactive, and Geo information.
  • Our service identifies LNP (Local Number Portability), meaning it identifies a phone number that was previously a landline and now has been ported (converted) to a cell phone carrier. It also identifies current carrier details, meaning if an original Sprint customer switched to T-Mobile while keeping the number, our Phone Lookup service will show T-Mobile since portability is considered.
  • Our service does not identify RPL (Reverse Phone Lookup), which shows whether a phone number is “connected” or “disconnected“, phone owner information, etc.
  • Use our DNC Data Scrubbing Service to reduce the risk of TCPA lawsuits.
  • Your use of our Phone Validation Service indicates your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions
  1. What does “Active” or “Inactive” mean?
    Active: The number has been assigned to a phone carrier (this does not mean the carrier has assigned it to a person).
    Inactive: The number has not been assigned to a carrier.
  2. What does “Valid” or “Invalid” mean?
    Valid: The number complies with the North American Number Plan Association (NANPA).
    Invalid: The number is not compliant with NANPA.
  3. What does “Connected” or “Disconnected” mean?
    Connected: The number belongs to someone and is in service.
    Disconnected: The number is out of service.

What’s the Difference Between Carrier Lookup and Phone Validation?

Carrier lookups involve searching for phone data associated with a specific number. It provides detailed information such as network provider, status, time zone, and more.
Phone validation confirms whether a number is valid. Its primary aim is to ensure that the phone number is in a usable state and can receive calls or texts reliably.

Can the CSV file I submit contain other columns besides the phone number? For example, name, street address, and so on?

Yes. You can upload CSV files with more than one column; there is a facility to MAP columns( if you upload a file with FirstName, LastName, Phone, and Email Address, then the validated file contains all these uploaded column data along with validation info).

Do my numbers need to have a leading “1” like 12131231234?

The file you submit can be with or without leading 1’s.

Can my numbers have punctuation like (123) 123-1234?

The file you submit can be with or without punctuation.

Do my numbers have to be in a specific format (i.e., country code, special characters, etc.)?

No. The phone number validation service will automatically remove the plus sign [+], leading “1”, parentheses (), dash [-], dots [.], or spaces from the phone number!

Do you actually call the phone numbers during the validation process?

No. The phone numbers are not contacted in any way, nor will any phones connected to a line ring during the entire validation process.

Can I query multiple phone numbers in a single API request?

Yes, this is absolutely possible. You can query up to 1,000 phone numbers at once. For details, please take a look at our API documents.

How will the system deduct lookup credits for phone numbers uploaded via CSV file?

Please take note that the system will deduct lookup credits for every phone number in rows (whether they are empty or not).

The best way to validate the file is to remove empty rows (rows that don’t have a phone number) and upload files with a single phone number column for accurate lookup usage.

Can I validate a list with multiple phone numbers? Can I validate multiple phone numbers via a CSV file?

Yes, you can validate up to ten numbers simultaneously (Phone 1, Phone 2, Phone 3, Phone 4, Phone 5, Phone 6, Phone 7, Phone 8, Phone 9, Phone 10) via a CSV file.

How will the system deduct lookup credits for multiple phone numbers uploaded via CSV file?

The system will deduct lookup credits for every phone number in rows and columns.

For example, You are trying to upload a file with multiple phone numbers (6 columns of phone numbers: Phone 1, Phone 2,…, Phone 6), and the total number of rows is 100. The system deducts lookup credits for every phone number in rows and columns (whether they are empty or not). There are 100 rows and 6 columns of phone numbers (Phone 1, Phone 2,…, Phone 6), so it will deduct 600 (100 * 6) lookup credits.

What is Number Portability Routing?

Number portability is a process that allows users to keep their phone number when they switch from one network operator to another. Depending on the country’s regulations, portability may be supported for mobile or both mobile and fixed networks.

Can the RealValidito Phone Lookup identify number portability?

Yes, RealValidito Phone Lookup identifies LNP (local number portability), meaning it identifies a phone number that was previously a landline and now has been ported (converted) to a cell phone carrier. It also identifies current carrier details, meaning if an original Sprint customer switched to T-Mobile while keeping the number, our Phone Lookup service will show T-Mobile since portability is considered.

What if I have additional questions about Phone Lookup Services?

Please contact our support team.

DNC Lookup FAQs

Which countries does your DNC Lookup service cover?

Our DNC Lookup service covers the United States.

Can the CSV file I submit contain other columns besides the phone number? For example: name, street address, and so on?

Yes. You can upload CSV files with more than one column, there is a facility to MAP columns( if you upload a file with First Name, Last Name, Phone, and Email Address, then the validated file contains all these uploaded column data along with validation info).

Do my numbers need to have a leading “1” like 12131231234?

The file you submit can be with or without leading 1’s.

Can my numbers have punctuation like (123) 123-1234?

The file you submit can be with or without punctuation.

Do my numbers have to be in a specific format (i.e., country code, special characters, etc.)?

No. The RealValidito DNC Lookup service will automatically remove the plus sign [+], leading “1”, parentheses (), dash [-], dots [.], or spaces from the phone number!

Can I query multiple phone numbers in one request?

Yes, this is absolutely possible. You can query up to 1,000 phone numbers at once. For details, please take a look at our API documents.

How do I scrub against the Do Not Call List (DNC)?

The best way to scrub against the DNC list is with an automated solution that helps you manage your lists and easily comply with legal guidelines.
Use our RealValidito DNC Lookup API to scrub against the DNC list that will help you easily comply with TCPA lawsuits or use RealValidito Bulk Validation (Batch Validation or Phone Number List Cleaning) that enables you to upload the contact phone database and clean up your list with just a single click.

What is Do Not Call List (DNC) Scrubbing?

Scrubbing refers to the process of cleaning, removing, or flagging phone numbers from your call lists. Do Not Call List (DNC) scrubbing allows you to remove or flag batches of or individual numbers for TCPA lawsuits from your call lists.

How often do I need to scrub against the Do Not Call List (DNC)?

You are legally required to suppress phone numbers from your calling lists against the Do Not Call List (DNC) every 31 days. However, it is best practice to scrub before every SMS or calling campaign.

Do I need to scrub against the Do Not Call List (DNC) for cell phone numbers?

Yes. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) prohibits telemarketing calls to mobile phone numbers without prior express written consent. It is not enough to have implied consent. Therefore, cell phone numbers on the Do Not Call list (DNC) are doubly prohibited.

Do I need to scrub against the Do Not Call List (DNC) for cell phone numbers?

Yes. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) prohibits telemarketing calls to mobile phone numbers without prior express written consent. It is not enough to have implied consent. Therefore, cell phone numbers on the Do Not Call list (DNC) are doubly prohibited.

How does your DNC Lookup [TCPA data scrubbing services] help my business stay compliant with Do Not Call laws?

  • Our DNC Lookup service only checks if the number is a known TCPA litigator (plaintiff, attorney, pre-litigation, screamers, anti-telemarketing groups, TCPA lawsuits, etc.) or not. It does not check federal (national) or state DNCs.
  • “RealValidito DNC Lookup, a dynamic database populated with the numbers of thousands upon thousands of professional TCPA plaintiffs and attorneys. The RealValidito DNC Lookup operates as a powerful shield, an automated outbound and inbound data scrubbing tool that prevents our users from making a single call that could end in disaster”.
  • Although the RealValidito DNC Lookup dramatically reduces the risk of TCPA lawsuits, that risk is by no means eliminated. In the event you are served with or even threatened with a lawsuit,

How much is DNC Lookup pricing?

What if I have additional questions about DNC Lookup Services?

Gender Lookup FAQs

Which countries does your Gender Lookup service cover?

Our Gender Lookup service covers the United States and Canada.

How do you gather the data?

To provide the highest possible accuracy, we combine the data from multiple data sources. We use data from publicly available governmental sources and combine it with data we crawl from social networks, which provides you with the best possible matches. Each name has to be verified by different sources to be added to our list.

Can the CSV file I submit contain other columns besides the first name? For example, email, street address, and so on?

Yes. You can upload CSV files with more than one column; there is a facility to MAP columns( if you upload a file with FirstName, LastName, Phone, and Email Address, then the validated file contains all these uploaded column data along with validation info).

Can I query multiple names in one request?

Yes, this is absolutely possible. You can query up to 1,000 names at once. For details, please take a look at our API documents.

What if I have additional questions about Gender Lookup Services?

Please contact our support team.

ZIP Code Lookup FAQs

Which countries does your ZIP Code Lookup or Postal Code Lookup service cover?

Our ZIP Code Lookup or Postal Code Lookup service covers the United States and Canada.

What is a zip code or postal code?

In the United States of America, a zip code is five or nine numbers that are added to a postal address to assist in the sorting of mail.
Canadian postal codes are alphanumeric. They are in the format A1A 1A1, which is a six-character string that forms part of a postal address in Canada where A is a letter and 1 is a digit. When you want to write a letter, the postal code follows the abbreviation for the province or territory. Components of a postal code: Forward sortation areas and local delivery units

How many types of Zip Codes are there in the USA?

PO Box only

What are some uses for the ZIP Code Lookup or the Postal Code Lookup?

Determining the city, state, county, area code, time zone information, and longitude and latitude of locations

Can the CSV file I submit contain other columns besides the Zip Code or Postal Code? For example: email, street address, and so on?

Yes. You can upload CSV files with more than one column; there is a facility to MAP columns( if you upload a file with a Zip Code or Postal Code, FirstName, LastName, Phone Number or Email Address, then the validated file contains all these uploaded column data along with validation information).

Can I query multiple Zip Codes or Postal Codes in one request?

Yes, this is absolutely possible. You can query up to 1,000 Zip Codes or Postal Codes at once. For details, please take a look at our API documents.

How often are new Zip Codes or Postal Codes created? How many new Zip Codes or Postal Codes are created every year?

It is typical for 10–20 new Zip Codes or Postal Codes to be created each year.

What if I have additional questions about Zip Code Lookup Services?

Please contact our support team.